The Supreme Court of India, in 2006, made it mandatory to register all marriages. In India, a marriage can either be registered under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 or under the Special Marriage Act, 1954. The Hindu Marriage Act is applicable to Hindus, whereas the Special Marriage Act is applicable to all citizens of India irrespective of their religion. The Hindu Marriage Act provides for registration of an already solemnised marriage, and does not provide for solemnisation of a marriage by a Marriage Registrar. However, the Special Marriage Act provides for solemnisation of a marriage as well as registration by a Marriage Officer. To be eligible for marriage in India, the minimum age is 21 years for males and 18 years for females.
In April 2014, the Revenue Department of Delhi government introduced a 'tatkal' service ensuring a single-day authorisation of the marriage under which the registration process will be undertaken on priority.